At the Children's Academy KidsBee, we follow programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. The lessons are conducted in Bulgarian and English. Our educators use fascinating materials and interactive methods. Children have learning situations in several educational areas: Bulgarian language, English, Mathematics, Surrounding world, Art, Music, Construction and technology, Physical culture. Within the school day and for an additional fee, there is an opportunity for children to engage in yoga, gymnastics, dance, ceramics, art class, etc.
Classes and classes are held in two small age groups, which allows for effective guidance by the teacher and an individual approach tailored to the needs and interests of each child. Children learn to be cooperative and effectively work in a team.
We believe that creativity develops children's thinking and helps children express their feelings and emotions. That is why at KidsBee we encourage the creative imagination and inventive spirit of every kid. The materials used in the art classes are completely harmless and suitable for use by children.
At KidsBee we share the belief that every child is born with incredible learning potential and an inner desire to explore the world around them. Montessori classes are conducted by a certified educator using licensed toys from natural materials. Montessori games provoke the child to unleash his potential, experiment, study the environment and invent. Through the Montessori game, the activities develop a number of important abilities and skills – stimulate attention, memory and logical thinking, support the acquisition of mathematical concepts, build useful practical skills. This process takes place in a positive and supportive environment.

Daily program
8:00 – 9:00 Reception
9:00 – 9:15 Breakfast
9:15 – 10:00 Classes
10:00 – 10:15 Snack (fruit)
10:15 – 11:00 Classes
11:00 – 12:00 Outdoor classes/ Outdoor play (depending on the weather)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch / Preparation for afternoon nap / rest
13:00 – 15:00 Afternoon nap / rest
15:00 – 15: 30 Breakfast
15:30 – 18:00 Art classes/ Montessori activities/ Sports/ Playing outside

Children's Academy KidsBee is located in Vitosha district, meters from Vitosha Blvd. "Simeonovsko shose" and the fork to Studentski grad, on a quiet street.
It has a spacious and well-lit room for conducting classes and games, dining room with kitchen, sleeping room, study and bathroom with bathroom.
The base also has its own yard for recreation and outdoor games. Available at KidsBee Academy is a full range of educational systems and art materials for effective training and conducting a variety of creative activities

General Terms and Conditions to the Training Contract
You can see the general terms HERE.
Personal Data Protection Policy can be found HERE.